When we become a mother, we tap into our lineage, and the collective meaning of motherhood.

 What do the stories you come with, say?  Are they empowering, enlivening and inspiring?

   Or, like many women growing up in a patriarchal culture, is there a vague sense of having to choose between being empowered, and being loved (and loving)?    

Never before have you felt so potently, and poignantly, the love, and the hurt, created by your relationship with your own mother.  

But judge her as a saint, or the devil...and watch the cage you create for yourself.  

It's time to release the pressure valve from your mother and 'the perfect mother' so you can fully experience, and embody, the mother you desire to be in your heart.   

Join this course in self-study mode where you can go as fast, or as slow, as you need, to create the transformation in your mother-story, that you desire. 

The mother wound is alive in us even if we don’t have a particular experience of conflict with the women in our lineage.

 It exists within us because of the socio-cultural structures around us that marginalise motherhood, disempower women, and devalue mothering.  

In the face of these, and our own mother imprint and epigenetic codes, we are ripening for our own reclamation - one that paves the way for our children. 

Integrate your mother imprint to parent with more wholeness

  • Understand the structures and programs which imprint your being, such as ‘the perfect mother’ myth
  • Unlock more capacity for understanding and loving your own mother
  • Create deeper reverence for the journey of motherhood & mothering
  • Recognise yourself in your child & reparent yourself
  • Become a clearer field for your child’s connection to themselves
  • Up-level the collective consciousness through your resistance to the forces that tell you you’re not enough

Here's how I will guide your learning + integration...

  • WEEK 1
  • UNCOIL: Mapping your own mother wound and seeing wider
  • One module to explore each week, in bite-size pieces to fit in with life 
  • WEEK 2
  • THE SPELL: Unveiling the "Perfect Mother Myth" that defines modern motherhood, with Sociologist Dr Sophie Brock
  • Downloadable workbooks to support your learning and reflections 
  • WEEK 3
  • ANCHOR: The family dynamic and your inner mother
  • WEEK 4
  • ARTFUL: Re-patterning your imprint for connection & freedom

Hello, i'm Bridget.

 And I adore seeing women thrive in motherhood, enjoy parenting and love themselves through their own identity shifts and transformations this season of life brings.  

I am a mother to three young children who inspire me everyday to put connection, curiosity and wonder, top of my list - qualities that I believe are the keys to an enchanting life full of love and depth.  

With a focus on embodying authentic leadership and empowered motherhood, it's my hope that my work will revolutionise the way you approach your life and your beliefs, and inspire you to create the family life of your dreams.  

For 8 years I have co-hosted the weekly Nourishing The Mother podcast, a space dedicated to peeling back the layers of the mothering journey.  

I'm an avid researcher of all things human behaviour, neurobiology and our innate need for connection. I hold a Bachelor of Communications in media, journalism and sociology and a very unofficial 'PhD' of self-study across psychology and human behaviour fields!

Hear what other women are saying...

“Thank you for your wonderful wisdom during this course. I always really love your view and the way you are able to see the unseeable and find the truth, meaning and purpose for any situation. Always so divine and supported with so much grace...Thank you again Bridget for your beautiful work in the world. It’s so needed and so appreciated.” 


"You are a gifted facilitator and visionary. You have a wonderful way of holding the space and have tremendous insight, care and wisdom in how you respond.”


Thank you Bridget for being you and for showing me a different way. Thank you for helping me challenge my beliefs. Thank you for giving me permission to be me and parent my way"


"There has been such a massive shift in my outlook with my own mum…the magnitude of that shift is so amazing and it is really freed me up in so many ways to be the mother that I authentically am, without trying to be her, or try and compare myself to her, or criticise her to try and justify the way that I mother and who I am. Thank you, it’s something I have been struggling with for years, and this has just brought so much joy and lightness to my heart”


“The gifts I have gained from working with Bridget are endless and lifelong. Bridget is a wealth of knowledge and can bring meaning to what I am unable to untangle in my body. I now have so many tools to see the gifts of all situations and be curious about the the flaws in my 'fantasies'. I also feel like I now have so many practical strategies leaving me feeling empowered. I can't thank Bridget enough for her wisdom and her kindness. This work has not only freed me, but will help free my daughters and generations to come.”


"I experienced (working with Bridget) as an unlocking of my own power as a mother, knowing whatever challenges come my way with my daughter, I’ll have the tools to work through them. These are ultimately tools of introspection, to see the dynamics at play within a family, and their purpose.  Bridget’s support calls forth within you the courage to challenge your current belief systems, and in doing so, to expand your capacity to live a conscious, full, embodied, enriched life.”


Are you ready to tranform how you see your mother, and motherhood?

Life wants us to be in a delicious love affair with it.  The seasons beckon us to marvel at their wonder. And so do the seasons of motherhood.  

Come and clear what's in the way of embodying an appreciation for your mother-line, and the sages at your feet calling you forward beyond the patterns that keep you feeling stuck and frustrated.  

"This work has not only freed me, but will help free my daughters and generations to come.”
~ Bree


$97 per fortnight x 4

DISRUPT course, in bite-size video modules with downloadable



DISRUPT course, in bite-size video modules with downloadable workbooks


Yes, the unique nature of this course will transform how you see your mother, and yourself as a mother, and open up opportunity for deeper intimacy. It's a game-changer!

The four modules are available to watch at your own pace, recorded in small sections so you can consume and marinate in each concept and what comes up for you. There is 1-2 hours of content in each module, plus our time together in the 1:1 session, which we can book at a time that works for you.